Supporting Beaminster School students and alumni
The Frances Tucker Trust was established in the seventeenth century by Mrs Frances Tucker, a local landowner. She established Tuckers School which has evolved into a Beaminster School and she also left a Trust Fund for the benefit of the pupils which continues today. She could never have imagined the positive and far reaching affect her generosity has had on Beaminster students over the centuries nor the variety of wonderful ways in which they have benefited from her generous bequest so long ago. Thousands of pupils have passed through the doors of Beaminster School and all have been affected by her generosity.
Aims & Work of the Trust The trust offers grants in two ways: as Awards to individual students and groups; or to fund School Buildings or Resources Projects.
Bursaries Individual students have also benefitted from her bequest. Students have been awarded grants to travel abroad to open their eyes to new cultures and experiences, exploring countries such as India, Borneo, Ecuador and this year Tanzania has been added to the list. Others have been helped with the opportunity to enter sporting events or pursue their education in ways which are not offered by the school. It has been a wonderful legacy enabling the young people and alumni of Beaminster School to participate in many activities which they would have struggled to embark upon without the extra financial support.
Buildings or Resources Projects Over the past few decades projects have included the construction of the new Science Block, the Library & Resource Centre, the Sports Hall and most recently the fabulous new Frances Tucker Music Suite, opened in 2018. All have enhanced the opportunities offered to the pupils.
There are constantly more improvements required and worthy projects to support.
Various endowments and scholarships have been added to Frances Tucker’s fund over the years, however, funds are limited, and the Trustees are looking for ways to enable present and future students of Beaminster School to benefit from her continued legacy. |

AWARD APPLICATION FORM Applying for an Award
Applications are welcomed from all those who attended, or are attending Beaminster School, and are below the age of 25.
Applications are considered against the charitable objectives of the Trust and the following criteria:
- Activities promoting personal development, including sporting activities.
- Activities raising challenging issues.
- Service to a community and community projects.
- Educational and cultural experience – including travel.
- Project promoting benefits to others.
- Educational studies and extended learning (outside of the school curriculum).
Application Form
To apply for an award please complete and submit our online application form. Simply click on this link:
Awards will be considered on merit against the criteria outlined.We will let you know in writing whether your application has been successful shortly after the decision has been made.
Acceptance requirements
Should your application be successful, on completion of your project we ask that you write a brief account, which may be used for publicity of the awards, and to show us how the award has been spent. If, for any reason, you are unable to undertake your project, the award must be returned to the fund so that future applicants are able to benefit.

Awards put to Good Use
Over the years the grants made by the Frances Tucker Trust both to Beaminster School itself and to individual students have had a major impact on the lives both of the direct recipients and of many others involved in their projects.
Since the school moved to its current site in 1963 projects have included the construction of the new Science Block, the Library & Resource Centre, the Sports Hall and most recently the fabulous new Frances Tucker Music Suite, opened in 2018. All have enhanced the opportunities offered to the pupils.

Recent awards to individual students and Alumni have included:
- building a playground for a primary school near in Uganda
- enabling participation in the Scouting Jamboree in Soth Korea. An event hit by a tropical Typhoon which created a unique learning experience for our student
- broviding the opportunity for a talented footballer to realise her dream of training at the Real Madrid Academy.

Supporting the Frances Tucker Trust
There continue to be worthy projects to support and awards to be made to support the school, its students and alumni. Every grant we make honours the memory of Frances Tucker and her contribution of supporting the education of the children of the area.
Various endowments and scholarships have been added to Frances Tucker’s fund over the years, however, funds are limited, and the Trustees are looking for ways to enable present and future students of Beaminster School to benefit from her continued legacy.
Please consider making a donation or
Leaving a gift in your will
There are five ways to support the Frances Tucker Trust in your will.
- A pecuniary bequest – an exact sum of money
- A residuary bequest – the balance of your estate
- A specific bequest – some particular possessions
- A reversionary bequest – a gift to pass to us after another named recipient has enjoyed the income during their lifetime
- A conditional bequest – a gift to pass to us if none of your named beneficiaries survives you.
Please email us at trustees@francestuckertrust.org.uk
Contact Us
To contact us about applying for an award or supporting our work please email trustees@francestuckertrust.org.uk or use the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.